Check out our newest features & fixes!

Release notes for new features and updates

We are constantly working on improvements to make your life easier. Below is a list of important updates and bug fixes you should know about.


Release Date

Improvements to notification emails, texts, and push notifications

  • Health-service reminder notifications now have text and call-to-action (CTA) buttons tailored for whether they’re for a product, a service, or both.
    • Product notifications, if you have an online pharmacy, the CTA button will take the client to the online pharmacy.
    • Service notifications, if you have an online scheduler, the CTA button will take the client to the online scheduler.
  • Message Center email CTA buttons are similarly tailored

Postcards batch review page improvements

  • We added a filter to the Reminders column, so you can now filter postcard batches by reminder type.
  • We added information to the page showing how many visits would be needed to cover the cost of postcards.

We also added top-bar navigation to make it easier to switch between Vetsource solutions, and, for Vetstoria users, we added Asia-Pacific region support.

Bug fixes

  • In the Notifications Delivery Per Date/User reports, vaccination summaries, and health-service reminder emails, we fixed a bug that was causing button image issues.
  • For equine practices, we corrected an issue where loyalty counts displayed incorrectly.


Injectables history update

  • Pet owners can now see order history for injectables and reorder them in the mobile app.

Bug fixes

  • In rare instances when searching for a client in the “Notifications Delivery Per User” report, the report would return an error. This has been fixed.
  • Some of the automatic invite emails — such as “ABC Animal Hospital now has an app” — were being sent very early in the morning. These emails now go out no earlier than 8 a.m. local time.
  • In some cases, the “Uninvited PMS Users” list in “Invite Preferences” was not generating a list of users. This has been fixed.
  • You can now email transcripts to any email address, not just the practice’s default email address.


Conversations writeback

  • This new feature allows you to write a Conversations transcript directly into the Patient Medical Record in your PIMS. Get the full details.
  • This is available for Cornerstone, AVImark, and Vetspire (in beta) practices that also have a SyncVet data connection.

Export transcript

  • You can now download a History Conversation to PDF, email it, or, if you have Conversations writeback enabled, save it directly to your PIMS. It’s never been easier to share a conversation transcript!
  • You can easily select the Last Conversation, a conversation Date Range, the Full Transcript, or even Selected Messages (if you have the Message Selector enabled in your Conversations Settings).

Bug fixes

  • In some cases, Appointment Confirmations were sending late in the day, rather than in the morning.
  • The user search field on the Postcards batch-review page wasn’t returning users.
  • In some cases, an error was preventing the adding of loyalty paws to a user. In very rare cases, a small number of records were not appearing on the Loyalty History section of the User page.
  • In extremely rare cases, an SMS message from a pet parent was not displaying in the Conversations thread.
  • For a couple days, the Post-Visit Surveys were not sending properly. This has been fixed, and all the missing post-visit surveys were sent.
  • For those using Shepherd, Appointment Confirmations were not consistently writing back to the PIMS. For practices using Vetspire, the vaccination summary was showing some information that wasn’t relevant for vaccinations.
  • In some cases, the patient name was displaying as “N/A” on the Appointments Request page.


Now, when you select the option Conversation > End Conversation > Download transcript as PDF and click End chat, the PDF automatically downloads to your computer.

New, streamlined postcards

  • Updated postcards to save practices money and improve the pet owner experience.
  • Improved postcard settings: You can now suppress postcards by reminder type and customize your return address, in the event it differs from your clinic’s address.

Postcard batch-review page improvements

  • Added a status bar to clarify when the batch is available for review and when it’s out for printing and delivery.
  • Added tooltips that explain what each pet is due for, along with whether they have an upcoming appointment.
  • Added a warning for suppressing clients after the batch has already closed, to clarify when the suppression would take effect.

Bug fixes

  • Loyalty Paw history on the user page was missing the Load More button
  • In rare cases, the ‘Download our app’ stamp wasn’t automatically applying to a pet owner’s account.
  • Fixed minor discrepancies in the Notifications Delivery Per User and Notifications Delivery Per Date reports.
  • For some new dashboard users, the EULA was not showing upon account creation.


New Health-Service Reminder Notifications Analytics, including information on related appointments, transactions, and which cadences are most effective.


Appointment Confirmation write-backs for Neo, Vetspire & Shepherd (enabled by request)


Admin users can now be deleted

Settings Improvements

  • Appointment codes now auto-populate into drop-down menus
  • View codes button shows all relevant codes for a given setting
  • Copy codes button allows importing configured codes from one setting to another
  • Codes that do not exist in the PIMS are flagged in red
  • New codes indicator shows codes that have been added to the PIMS
  • Time Overrides have been renamed to Custom Messages
  • Custom Messages now include message templates
  • One custom message can be used for many codes, rather than one message per code


Conversations timestamps are now more precise: timestamp will show if messages are >1 minute apart.


Launched new Vet2Pet app—free for Vetsource Prescription Management customers


Added Shepherd and Vetspire as compatible PIMS


Message Center messages can now be saved as Draft


Added a second date & time option for app users to request an appointment


Enhancements to two reports - Notifications Delivery per User & Notifications Delivery per Date

  • Added all notification emails to reports: Account, Appointment, Health Service Reminders, and more
  • Service Type filter: added ability to filter report by notification content (e.g., Account, Appointments, Service Reminders)
  • Preview button: added ability to display the email that was sent to a user, including any embedded URLs


For everything we released in previous years, view the feature release archive.

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