Requesting an Appointment From the App

Clients like having the ability to request an appointment outside of business hours, or without having to call your practice.

  1. Your clients can request an appointment from multiple areas in the app.
  • From the main Appointment button on the home page or in the sidebar menu:
  • From the pet profile page, past due reminders, and unlocked loyalty screens:
  1. To request an appointment from the app, the client will complete a short form. Their name, phone number, and pets will autoload. The client can choose two preferred dates and times, and provider, as well as accept past-due services imported from your practice management software.
If an app user has not enabled push notifications on their device, they will not be able to request an appointment until this step has been completed. The mobile app will direct the user to their device settings to enable notifications.
  1. If there is another pet in the household who is due for services, the client will be prompted to book another appointment after submitting the appointment request.
  1. The request will be displayed in your practice dashboard:
    Appointment Requests > NEW
    The request can also be sent to your practice's email inbox.
  2. Your practice will propose an appointment time.

If the Notes icon is green under "Request details," the client has left additional notes for you on the appointment request. Double-click on the request to view the additional notes.

  1. Your client will receive a notification with the proposed appointment time and details. Once accepted, they will be prompted to add the appointment to their calendar.
  2. Under the Appointments tab, the status will display as Accepted in your practice dashboard.
  3. Your practice will manually enter the appointment into your practice management software, and check the Added to PMS box.

  1. During the evening Pet Sync, the scheduled appointment will be imported from your practice management software. It will be displayed in the Scheduled tab for your practice, and in your client's mobile app.

To customize the Appointment Request fields in the app, click HERE.

Practices can customize a pop-up message that will display in the mobile app whenever an app user clicks on the Appointments button. Go to Settings > Appointments > App Preferences and enter a message under Mobile App Appointments Message Preferences.

This would be a great place to notify clients of expected appointment request response times, hospital cancellation policies, etc.

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