How to Give Clients Loyalty Paws

With two ways to administer loyalty stamps (paws) to your clients, you can choose the option that works best for your workflow.

This is a great time to ask your client if there is anything else they need for their pet, especially if you are giving a loyalty stamp for every $100 spent/invoice. If your client is anywhere close to the next level, be sure to suggest they make an additional purchase for their pet. Perhaps they could use another round of parasite prevention or a small bag of treats? Clients want you to help them get as many loyalty stamps as possible.

Option #1: Administering loyalty stamps (paws) via the practice dashboard

This method is the quickest way to administer loyalty stamps. It does not require your client to have the mobile app, but it does require access to the practice dashboard.

  1. Find your client in the User list.
  2. Open the user's dashboard by clicking on their name.
  3. Select Add paw, and the choice of stamp offerings will pop up. Select the proper stamp to apply, and click the green Add paws button to load the paws into the user's account. If the client has downloaded your app, they will receive a notification that they have earned loyalty paws, and they will instantly appear in their mobile app. If the client hasn't yet downloaded the app, their paws will be waiting in their app when they download it. If you do not want your client to receive a notification that they have earned paws, check the Don't notify user box before adding the paws.

Option #2: Administering loyalty stamps (paws) via the QR scanner using the mobile app

This method is the most engaging for your client. It requires your client to have the mobile app, and it does not require access to the practice dashboard.

  1. After the invoice has been settled, the client can open their app and tap on the Loyalty tab.
  2. Tap the QR scanner icon at the top of the screen on the app to launch the device's camera.
  3. Hover the camera over the QR code associated with the stamp you want them to receive. This will load the stamp into the client's app. Repeat as needed to administer the proper number of stamps.

The QR codes for your loyalty program can be found in your practice dashboard. Select Loyalty from the toolbar column on the left.

To print loyalty stamp QR codes, select the Stamps tab, and print your QR code stamps.

Cut out your QR code stamps, laminate and hole punch them, and put them on a keyring at each checkout station.

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