Vet2Pet Platform Incident Report

We strive to keep our systems running 100% of the time. If there is an incident, we'll report it here. You can also check back for updates on current issues.

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System Status and Incident Reports - Past 30 days


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Past Incidents:


System Status and Incident Reports - Past Incidents


  • Incident - 01/22/25 6:30 AM MT - We have received reports that the menu bar is not fully loading for some users logging into the dashboard. The developers have been notified and are currently working on the issue.
    • Resolved - 01/22/25 - 7:15 AM MT - The developers identified the problem and have implemented a fix.
  • Incident 01/22/25 - We have received reports indicating that the message field in conversations is not visible or functioning as expected.
    • Resolved - 01/22/25 - 7:15 AM MT - The developers identified the problem and have implemented a fix.
  • Note: If you are still seeing these issues, please refresh the dashboard.


  • Incident - Reported on 10/25/24 -We have received reports that some app users with older Android devices cannot log into their clinic's app. The developers are aware of the issue and are working to fix it.
    • Update - 11/18/24 - The developers have resolved the issue with the Android login.


  • Incident - 10/16/24 - App support has received reports that the Loyalty Management Tool (LMT) is not loading for some clinics. Our developers are investigating the issue.
    • Resolved - 10/18/24 - Developers have resolved the issue. The loading of LMT data began this morning. Please allow for a full data pull overnight.


  • Incident - Reported on 9/08/24 - Monday 9/9/24, we confirmed that the Loyalty Management transaction data has not been loaded into some dashboards since September 6. Developers are aware and working to resolve the issue.
    • Resolved - 9/13/24 6:26 AM MT - Developers have resolved the issue with the Loyalty Management Tool and loaded the missing data back to September 6.


  • Incident - 8/15/24 9:44 AM ET - Dashboard is offline. Developers are aware and working to resolve the issue.
    • Resolved - 8/15/24 9:50 AM ET - Dashboard is operational. Developers have resolved the issue.


  • Incident - 8/09/24 - We have received reports that some clinics are encountering an error when clicking the "Reviewed" box on the current postcard batch. The developers are aware of the issue and are working to fix it.
    • Resolved - 8/12/24 - The developers have resolved the issue.
  • Incident - 8/09/24 - We have received reports that some clinics are encountering errors with some feature settings. The developers are aware of the issues and are working to fix them.
    • Resolved - 8/12/24 - The developers have resolved the issue.


  • Incident - 7/16/24 - We have received several reports that some clinics' Post-Visit Surveys are not being sent out. Our developers are aware of the issue and will investigate it.
    • Resolved - 7/22/24 - The developers investigated and resolved the issue.


  • Incident - 5/30/24 - We have received reports that some clients using Apple devices are encountering an error when trying to log into their clinic's app and are unable to log in.
    • Resolved - 6/03/24 - The developers investigated and resolved the issue.
  • Incident - 5/30/24 - We have received reports that some Client accounts display incomplete loyalty paw history. The history only shows 10 entries, and the "Load More" button is not visible after the 10 points are displayed. To access the client loyalty data, please go to the Reports tab and select the "Loyalty Stamps Reward Report." Our developers have been notified and will prioritize the issue accordingly.


  • Update - 5/6/24 - We received reports that some Postcards did not load to the dashboard for the May batch.
    • Resolved - 5/06/24 - The developers investigated and resolved the issue.


  • Incident - 4/12/24 - We have received reports that some clinics are experiencing issues with Multiple Payment notifications. We understand that the clinic is receiving multiple notifications in Chat conversations. Our developers are investigating the issue.
    • Resolved: 6/21/24 - The development team deployed a fix for the Multiple Payment notification issue.


  • Incident - 4/09/24 - We have received reports that some clinics are experiencing issues with Chrome desktop notifications. The developers are aware of the problem and are currently investigating it.
    • Resolved - 5/21/24 - The developers have resolved the issue with Chrome Desktop Notification.


  • Incident - 3/28/24 - App support has received reports that the Loyalty Management Tool (LMT) is not loading for some clinics. We have forwarded this issue to the developers, and they will investigate. We will add updates above.
  • Resolved 3/28/24


  • Incident - We have received reports that images are not loading for staff members who do not have full Practice Manager privileges. Those with PM privileges can upload images and PDFs without any issues.
    • Resolved: 3/14/24: The developers have resolved the issue. Those with permission to manage conversations can now upload images.


  • Incident - Reports of the Virtual Payment button not working for some clients.
    • Resolved: 3/18/24: The developers have resolved the issue with the Virtual Payment button. Users with Virtual Payments can now request payments via conversations.
  • Incident - We are seeing delays with the App Dashboard. The developers are investigating the issue.
    • Resolved 3/11/24


Incident - 2/07/24 - Message Center: Extra Characters are being added to the subject line when these symbols are included in the Subject text:  "  '  &  =

Resolved: The developers have resolved the issue. The Extra Characters are no longer showing symbols in the subject line


Incident - 9:00 am MDT: Several clinics have reported Email and Push Notification messages are not being sent from the Message Center. The development team is currently investigating.

Resolved: 9:30 am MDT 2/2/24: The developers have fixed the issue, and Email and PN are successfully being sent from the Message Center.


Incident - A few practices have gotten an error with the Visit Tracker. When the client clicks the check-in button on their device, it leads them to the Post Visit Survey Form. The development team is currently investigating.

Resolved - 2/12/24: The developers have fixed the issue with the error on the Visit Tracker.


Incident - 9:00 Am MDT: A few clinics have reported pet parents are getting an error when logging into the app, preventing them from accessing their accounts. The development team is currently investigating the issue.

Resolved: 9:55 am MDT: The developers have fixed the issue, and pet owners can now access the app.


Resolved: A client account update cannot be saved without a listed phone number, causing an invalid phone number error on the dashboard.


Incident - 1:00 pm MDT: A client account update cannot be saved without a listed phone number, causing an invalid phone number error on the dashboard. Our developers are currently investigating the issue.


Incident - 8:00am MDT: The dashboard is displaying the user license agreement and does not advance when the user clicks Agree. Refreshing the webpage will help advance forward. Our developers are investigating.


Resolved with an app version update: Android devices are showing an error message when app users try to upload a selfie or profile photo from the photo gallery


Resolved 9:00am MST: Some text conversations are splitting, causing there to be multiple open conversations with the same user


5/15/23 - New Incident 7:45am MST - Visit tracker and post-visit survey forms are showing a white screen with a "Short URL not valid message". Our developers are investigating.

Resolved 8:35am MST - Visit tracker and post-visit survey forms are functioning normally.

Resolved 8:35am MST - Android users should not longer see "Short URL not valid message" when they try to confirm an appointment

No other new incidents reported


We are aware of several issues related to texting following a recent update. Our developers are investigating.

  1. RESOLVED: An error message indicating an urgency status is required to start a conversation (the temporary workaround for this is to enable chat urgency under Settings > Conversations, enable Display Chat Urgency Status).
  2. RESOLVED: When the practice starts a new app chat, any previous text conversation with that client is also reopening separately in the dashboard.


Update 7:51am MDT: Work continues on the missing transactions for the Loyalty Management Tool from 4/4, 4/5 and 4/6.

Resolved: 4:40pm MDT: All missing days of transactional data appear to have loaded completely.

No other incidents reported.


Resolved 7:40am MDT: The development team deployed a fix for issues on the Message Center and messages can now be created and sent.

No other incidents reported.


Update 8:45am MDT: Work continues on the Message Center outage. Messages that were previously scheduled for delivery appear to be sending as expected.

Update 2:15pm MDT: Our developers have identified the cause of the issue and are working on repairs. They are doing final testing to ensure complete resolution before deploying the repair.

No other incidents reported.


Incident 10:00am MDT: We are receiving reports of issues when creating scheduled messages in the Message Center following a deploy of platform updates this morning. Our developers are investigating.

Update 11:00am MDT: It appears that the entire Message Center is offline at this time for creating and sending any new messages. We are continuing our investigation and hope to have resolution as quickly as possible. Messages that were previously scheduled for delivery appear to be sending as expected.

Update 5:00pm MDT: Work continues on the Message Center outage. We will post another update tomorrow.

No other incidents reported.


Resolved 9:00am MDT: The development team deployed a fix for issues on the Message Center. The message center Scheduled messages are now sending as expected.

No incidents reported.


Update 9:45am MDT: A test message that was scheduled to confirm the fix of pre-scheduled messages appearing to send in the Message Center but not actually sending was not delivered as expected. Investigation continues to identify the cause.

Update 1:30pm MDT: Another repair has deployed for the Message Center. We will be monitoring to ensure resolution.

No other incidents reported.


Update 7:45am MDT: Our developers have identified the cause of pre-scheduled messages appearing to send in the Message Center but not actually sending and a repair has been deployed. We will be monitoring to ensure resolution.


Update 7:20am MDT: An update has been deployed for the Loyalty Management Tool. We will be monitoring today to ensure transactions import from last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Resolved 9:00am MDT: The Loyalty Management Tool has loaded all missing data


Incident 12:00pm MDT: We are receiving reports that pre-scheduled messages appear to be sending in the Message Center and are moved to the Previous tab but are not actually sending. Our developers are investigating. For now, messages can be created and sent immediately instead of being pre-scheduled.


Update 8:00am MDT: The Loyalty Management Tool has not imported transactions for Friday or Saturday. Our developers will investigate when they return to the office on Monday.


Resolved: 8:40am MST - The data support team has deployed a repair for the issue with AVImark write-back. We will continue to monitor closely to ensure resolution.


Resolved: 8:00am MST - The incident from yesterday with the practice landing pages has been resolved.

The AVImark write-back issue is still under investigation.


Incident: 8:00am MST - We are receiving reports from practices using AVImark that the confirmation notes are being added to the appointment multiple times. Confirmation messages are not being delivered multiple times.

Incident: 11:15am MST - We are having trouble with the domain that hosts practice website landing pages for clients to access the mobile app download links. We are actively working with the domain provider to resolve the issue. Updates will be added here as more information becomes available.


Resolved: 9:00am MT - Our developers have identified that the issue causing middle-of-the-night health service reminder delivery is related to a delay with the API for the Vetstoria smart link. Smart links have been temporarily disabled to prevent further issues until a permanent solution can be identified.


Update: 10:00am MT - We have received additional reports of middle-of-the-night health service reminder delivery. Our developers are investigating and will see if the tracking logs put in place last week will reveal the cause. We will add updates here as more information becomes available.

No other incidents reported.


Update: 8:00am MT - Our developers installed tracking logs yesterday to try to determine the cause of health service reminders delivering in the middle of the night. We will add updates here as more information becomes available.


Incident: 8:00am MT - We are hearing reports from practices about health service reminders delivering in the middle of the night. Our developers are investigating and have added additional logs to the system to track down the issue as quickly as possible.


Update: 8:00am MT - The data support team deployed an update late yesterday to fix the issues with appointment confirmation write-back to AVImark. We are monitoring to confirm resolution.

Resolved: 9:17am MT - We are hearing reports from practices that appointment confirmation write-back to AVImark is now working as expected.


Incident: 8:00am MT - We are hearing reports from several practices that appointment confirmation write-back to AVImark is not working. Our team is investigating. We will post updates here as we learn more.

No other incidents reported.


Update: The data insights team fixed the data connection issues impacting the LMT and a few other data related issues.

No other incidents reported.


Incident reported 1/3/23 - 8:00am MT - We have heard reports from several practices that the Loyalty Management Tool (LMT) has not loaded transactional data for the past several days. This does not appear to be globally affecting all Vet2Pet practices. Our team is investigating and in collaboration with the data support team to identify the issue. We will post additional updates here as they become available. This issue may be causing additional syncing problems so it is being treated as a high priority.

No other incidents reported.


Incident 8:00am MT - We have heard reports from several practices that the Loyalty Management Tool has not loaded transactional data for the past several days. This does not appear to be globally affecting all Vet2Pet practices. Our team is investigating and in collaboration with the data support team to identify the issue. We will post additional updates here as they become available. This issue may be causing additional syncing problems so it is being treated as a high priority.

No other incidents reported.


Update - 8:00am MT: Some practices using the old system of curbside arrival alerts where clients text "Arrived" are experiencing an outage with the carrier that delivers the returning text message with the check-in link. We continue to wait for updates from the texting service as they work with their carrier partners to resolve the issue.

Resolved - 1:30pm MT: This issue has been resolved.

No other incidents reported.


Incident - 6:19am MT: Practices using the old system of curbside arrival alerts where clients text "Arrived" are experiencing an outage with the carrier that delivers the returning text message with the check-in link. We are investigating.

Update - 11:35am MT: We are awaiting a response from the technical contact with the texting provider. At this time, it does not appear to be global as not all practices using this feature are affected.

Update - 3:55pm MT: We continue to wait for updates from the texting service as they work with their carrier partners to resolve the issue.

No other incidents reported.


Incident: The team located the Avimark Writeback error. It was not a global issue.

No other incidents reported.


Incident: We have received several reports from practices using AVImark that the appointment confirmation write backs have stopped working recently. Our developer team is investigating. If your practice is experiencing problems, please send a support ticket and include your AVImark version number.

No other incidents reported.


Update: LMT loading issues have been resolved.

No other incidents reported.


Incident: We see some delays with the Loyalty Management Tool loading to some accounts. We are looking into the issue.

Update: 10/7/22 - 4:20 PM MT. Still under investigation.

No other incidents reported.


Incident: Push notification, chat notification, and appointment notification ALERTS are not working for some practices. The notifications are arriving on the client's app.

Update: 9/14/22 at 12:33 MT - The development team located the error and has deployed a fix. The notifications will send out over the next few hours.

No other incidents reported.

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