Analytics - mobile app

A guide to interpreting your mobile app analytics

Practices can see how often pet owners are utilizing specific features of their mobile app through the Analytics tab.

Date filters are available at the top of the page to drill down data for the following time frames:

  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Last 7 days
  • Last 30 days
  • Last 3 months
  • Last 6 months
  • Last 12 months

App analytics include the following:

  • Pharmacy — home delivery: The number of app users that clicked on the delivery button in the order request process.
  • Pharmacy — pick up: The number of app users that submitted an order request for pick up.
  • Appointment activity in app: The number of app users that submitted an appointment request.
  • App chat conversations: The number of app users that started a chat conversation through the mobile app.
  • Notification and message activity: The number of app users that clicked on a notification from the mobile app or opened messages in the app.
    Note: this exact metric for notification clicks was not being measured until February 2023 so historical data prior to February 2023 is not available.
  • Selfie activity in app: The number of app users that sent a selfie from the mobile app.

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