Enabling App Chat

To enable App Chat:

  1. From your practice dashboard:
    Settings > Conversations
  2. Under Conversations Preferences, toggle on Enable App Chat.
  3. Choose the audience who can access chat in the mobile app.
  • Activate chat for all app users: Anyone who has downloaded and logged into your app can access chat in their app.
  • Activate chat for individual users: Only individuals selected will be able to access chat in their app.
  • Disable chat for user: Remove chat feature for individual users.
  1. Decide if you would like to utilize our 2-Way Texting feature. When you utilize our texting services your team can manage all communications from your clients through a centralized location. Currently, there is no limit to the number of texts you can send each month. *Additional fees may apply and will vary based on your subscription with us. Add this feature by clicking the purple button and filling out the required form.
    1. Toll-Free Number: We can provide a Toll-Free number for your practice upon request. If a client saves this number and calls your practice, the call will still connect to you.
    2. Landline Hosting: Prefer to text clients from your landline? We can do that too! Your coach can look up to see if we can host your landline prior to making any commitments. *Additional one time set up fee for this service is $299.
  2. If desired, set a conversation greeting, which will send automatically to the app user as soon as a chat message is sent from the mobile app.
  1. Set your Conversation Alert Preferences for internal notifications when conversations are received
    1. If desired, enable Chrome desktop notifications.
    2. If desired, enable a new message alert to receive an email and/or text message to alert of a new conversation.
      Multiple emails can be added to the same line when separated with a comma. To add multiple phone numbers, click Add New and add one phone number per line.
      Practices outside of the US and Canada will not be able to receive a text message for incoming new message alerts.
    3. If desired, enable a reminder for unresolved conversation, which will send an email reminder near the end of each day to end any open conversations that are left unresolved.
      It is important to end all open conversations at the end of each day to avoid receiving further incoming messages from open conversations after hours.
  2. Set your Conversation Business Hours:
    1. Decide what days of the week to accept incoming conversations and set conversation working hours for each day.
    2. The Disable Specific Date Range and Enable/Disable Specific Dates allows for further customization and overrides the Conversation Business Hours settings for any specific date. Example: Does your office close for Thanksgiving?
      1. A "Working Day," which means app users can send in a chat message even if it's not a normal day for chat hours.
      2. A "Non-Working Day," which means that app users will receive the after hours pop up message if they try to start a chat. Client's sending in a message on a day that is disabled or set as a "Non-Working Day" will receive an auto reply that their text was sent outside of chat hours. Learn more about text auto replies HERE.
  3. Set your App Chat Preferences for additional chat features:
    1. Set your preferences for urgency ratings, which will display in the dashboard. Conversations will be sorted in the dashboard by urgency first, and then by date/time received.
      1. Display Chat Urgency Status: When enabled, this allows app and dashboard users to select an urgency rating when starting a conversation.
      2. Require Chat Urgency Status: When enabled, this requires app and dashboard users to select an urgency rating when starting a conversation.
    2. Decide whether or not to allow a staff member name change during an active app chat. If disabled, the client will see the practice name in responses.
    3. Decide whether or not to allow app users to leave a message outside of chat hours. The message the app user sees will differ depending on whether or not you have this enabled.
    1. To keep your feature more organized enable our Conversations by Departments/Providers tool. You can list by name or department, even add emojis to make things fun. You decide which channels are visible to your app user, or just use it as a internal communication tool. You can customize each channel with greeting message, chat hours, and more!

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