Analytics - loyalty rewards

A guide to interpreting your loyalty reward analytics

Practices can see data for loyalty rewards through the Analytics tab. Based on loyalty program data, there is a strong correlation between increased spending and visits with clients who receive rewards, suggesting that practices should focus on giving clients rewards as early as possible.

Metrics include the following:

  1. Initial year — Clients are considered active in the loyalty program when they have received at least two loyalty stamps. Data for selected initial year(s) will include data for clients that became active during the selected year(s).
  2. Rewarded members — Shows the total number of clients that have received at least one reward from the beginning of the initial year to the present day.
  3. Rewards claimed — Shows the number of rewards that have been redeemed by the rewarded clients.
  4. Average rewards per member — Shows the average number of rewards that have been redeemed by the rewarded clients.
  5. Current stamp distribution — Shows the total of stamps currently applied to client accounts.
    1. Previously rewarded — The same total as rewarded clients, with a count of current available stamps.
    2. Not yet rewarded — Clients who have not yet claimed a reward with a count of current available stamps. For those who have not been rewarded but have enough for a reward — this can be exported. The practice should take action on these.
  6. Reward frequency — A breakdown of rewarded clients and how many rewards they have claimed. A detailed report of each client is available further down the report.
  7. Top 5 reward types — The five most commonly redeemed rewards.
  8. Days to first reward benchmark — The average days it takes from when a client earns their second loyalty stamp to when they receive their first reward, benchmarked across all Vet2Pet practices.
  9. Days to second reward benchmark — The average days it takes from when a client receives their first reward to when they receive their second reward, benchmarked across all Vet2Pet practices.
  10. Rewarded members — A full list of clients who have received at least one reward, sorted by most rewards received to least.

What do I do with this data?

We recommend exporting a list of clients with enough stamps to earn a reward, or those that are close to receiving a reward by using the Export Loyalty Users report. Let these clients know of their reward status and if they are close to earning a reward to drive a purchase or visit. If a client wants to redeem a reward, they can do so from the mobile app.

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