2-Way Texting

Practices can send and receive text messages through the Vet2Pet platform.

šŸŽ„ Prefer to learn by video? Watch this video tutorial for an overview of App chat and 2-way texting!

To enable 2-Way Texting, follow the steps to enable App Chat first. Then, click to Request a number. Your practice will be assigned a dedicated toll-free texting phone number. Once the phone number has been assigned, a toggle switch will appear to Enable 2-Way Texting and display the text phone number.

Once you enable 2-way texting, the system is ready to receive incoming text messages. Health service reminder texts will be delivered to clients with the same phone number, and, if a client calls your text phone number, they will automatically be routed to your practice's phone number.

If you would like to inquire about using your practice's phone number as your texting phone number, please contact us. We will need to determine if your phone number is eligible based on your current phone carrier. There is a $299 one-time setup fee to have your practice phone number configured for 2-way texting.

Practices that utilize 2-way texting should review the 2-way texting policies regarding unacceptable messaging content.

At this time, 2-Way Texting is available only for practices in the United States and Canada.


Initiating a text conversation

To start a two-way conversation, click Start New Conversation. Enter the title of your message, and select who to send your message to.

  • First, check to see if the client is an app user. Click Start Chat Messaging and search for their name under Choose User. This will start the conversation inside the mobile app rather than sending a text. If the client does not have your app, the name will not display, or it will be grayed out with a "Chat not available" message. See below for the reasons why chat is not available for specific users.
  • If 2-Way Chat is not available, click Start Text Messaging. Search for the client by their last name under Choose User for Texting. If the client has a textable phone number, or has texted before and been added to the system, they will display here.
  • If the client does not display, click Type a Number, and complete the form with the phone number and the client's first and last name to begin your text message.

Troubleshooting deliverability issues

If clients are not receiving text messages, or if there is concern that a message is not being received, try the following:

  1. Ensure that the client hasn't opted-out from receiving texts. (See below for more information). Having the client send a text message will automatically re-subscribe their phone number if it was previously unsubscribed.
  2. Have the client check their cell phone or cell phone provider settings. Some people have settings enabled that block or filter incoming text messages from unknown senders.
  3. Call the client to see if they received the text message. Sometimes clients don't respond to texts because they are busy or they may not know who it was from. Sending identifying information in your text is always helpful.
  4. Send in a support ticket if additional troubleshooting assistance is needed.

Receiving a text message

When a text message is received from a client, it will be displayed in the Conversations tab. Texts will display as "Sent via Text" instead of "Sent from App."

If the phone number that sent the message is on file in your practice management software, or in a user account in the Vet2Pet dashboard, the associated client's first and last name will be displayed. If the phone number is not recognized, an auto-responder will reply as shown below to get the client's contact information.

There can only be one active conversation session per phone number. If a client sends a text and there is another previous conversation still open, the message will display in the active conversation, instead of starting a new conversation.

Photos, videos, and PDF files

If a client texts a photo or video, it will display in the conversation window.

If a photo or video is sent via text from the dashboard to the client, the message will say, "You've got a new photo/video message! <Link>." The client must click the link to access the image or video file.

PDF files can also be sent from the dashboard, and will be delivered with the name of the file and a link to access the file.

Chat not available message

Reasons for seeing a "Chat not available" message include:

  • The client has not downloaded or signed in to your mobile app
  • The client needs to update their app to the latest version
  • Chat has been disabled for this specific client in Settings > Chat > Disable chat for user


There are several automated chat bot replies built into the 2-Way Texting system for the following scenarios:

  1. If a text is sent outside established conversation business hours:
  • "This is an auto-reply. We're sorry we aren't available to chat at the moment. If this is an emergency, please call <phone number> for after-hours instructions. Your message will be received by our practice during business hours."
    Starting a new conversation or responding to any message from the dashboard outside conversation business hours will override the conversation hours settings, and clients will not be notified of conversation business hours if they respond back.
  1. If a text is sent from a phone number that isn't recognized in the system:
  • "This is an auto-reply. We need to create your profile in our new texting system. So we can provide faster service, please enter your first name only. (Question 1/3)"
  • "Thanks, <first name>. Next, please enter your last name only. (Question 2/3)"
  • "Just one more thing, please enter your email only and one of our team members will respond as soon as possible. (Question 3/3)"

Once this process is completed, the system will remember this client's name and phone number, and display the name with any future messages. The profile can be edited from the Active Conversations tab by clicking on the pencil next to the conversation title. Profile edits will not change the text of the existing conversation, in case there was important information sent that needs to be retained for the medical record. The change will affect any future conversations from the client.

If the client responds to either of the first two questions with anything more than two words, or responds to the email question with anything other than an email, the information will not be stored in the profile.

Additionally, if the practice responds to a conversation during the chat bot's profile collection process, the chat bot will not continue asking these questions and the profile will need to be updated manually by the practice.

If the email provided isn't associated with the client's account in the practice management software, this is a great opportunity to add it, so they will be invited to download your mobile app.
  1. If a text is sent within 48 hours of receiving a health service reminder via text:
  • The health service reminder message will be delivered to the dashboard with the client's reply, for quick reference of what message the client is responding to.

Opting in and out of 2-Way Texting

If a client wants to opt out of texting, click Opt out in the top right corner. This must be done prior to ending the conversation.

Opting out of 2-Way Texting will NOT opt the client out from receiving any health service reminders or appointment confirmations via text. The client will have to reply STOP or CANCEL following receipt of a text health service reminder or appointment confirmation to opt out. However, if a client replies STOP or CANCEL to a health service reminder or appointment confirmation text, they will also be opted out from receiving a 2-way text.

If a client sends another text message from the phone number that was previously opted out, they will automatically be opted back in. Clients can also be opted in or out from the dashboard Users list by clicking on the user name and updating their subscription preferences.

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