2-way texting policies

If your practice is planning to use Vet2Pet's 2-way texting feature powered by Twilio, at any point in the future, please take a moment to review Twilio's policies regarding unacceptable messaging content. 

Acceptable Use Policy

Forbidden message categories

Information about cannabis or CBD-related messaging traffic 

It is important to note that business text messages in the United States are not permitted to include content regarding CBD products. This policy may be relevant for veterinary practices that recommend these products for their patients. Please also note that offers for drugs that cannot be sold over-the-counter in the US/Canada are forbidden unless there is an established veterinary-client-patient relationship and medications are being prescribed by licensed veterinarians to their patients.

Twilio maintains a high level of data security, ensuring that your conversations with your clients are protected. They also have filters to detect messaging that breaches their Acceptable Use Policy. By utilizing Vet2Pet's texting services, you agree to adhere to Twilio's Acceptable Use Policy, avoid sending messages that violate this policy, and acknowledge that non-compliance may result in the deactivation of your two-way texting.

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