Automated Health Service Reminders

Health service reminders listed in your practice management software will be displayed in the mobile app for each pet under Reminders, along with the due date or past-due status. With Pet Sync, the most up-to-date reminders are imported nightly, and are reflected in the app instantly.

Reminders will be displayed in the mobile app and dashboard until they are more than 18 months overdue. After a reminder is more than 18 months overdue, it is no longer displayed.

A full list of reminders sent on a per client or per date basis can be found in the dashboard under the Reports tab.

Special configurations may be needed based on your practice management software (PMS). If you don’t see complete information in the app, contact us for assistance with custom code configuration.
  1. An automated push notification can be triggered to deliver to clients with the mobile app before and after the due date of any service reminder, unless the user does not have a syncing app account, has disabled notifications in their device settings, or has logged out of their app account.
For walk-in practices, or practices not using the appointment management feature, the messaging will say "<Pet name> has an upcoming service due soon. For more details, please view <his/her> reminders in our app."
  1. An automated email reminder can be triggered to deliver before and after the due date of any service reminder to clients with a valid email address in the PMS who have not unsubscribed to receiving health service reminder emails.

The email will display emojis that correspond to the reminder type (e.g., vaccination, fecal, etc.). It will also include instructions to download the mobile app and schedule an appointment. If a pet owner has uploaded any pet profile images or selfies, an image will be randomly selected each time an email is sent.

  1. An automated SMS text reminder can be triggered to deliver before and after the due date of any service reminder to clients with a textable phone number in the app dashboard, or in the primary phone number field in the PMS. The text message will specify who the text is from in the body of the message, and will also include a link to the practice's app info card, where clients can call the practice, or download the app.
For app users, text reminders will be sent to the most recently added textable phone number in the client's Vet2Pet profile. For non-app users, text reminders will be sent to the phone number marked as "primary" in a practice's PMS. If no number or multiple numbers are marked as "primary", text reminders will be sent to the most recently added textable phone number in the PMS.

Practices using the Vet2Pet 2-Way Texting feature will have SMS text reminders delivered from their assigned texting phone number. If a client replies to the text message with anything other than "STOP", a new chat message will be created in the dashboard.

For practices not using the Vet2Pet 2-Way Texting feature:

  • In the United States, the phone number clients will receive texts from is 317-483-7506.
  • In Canada, the phone number clients will receive texts from is 306-994-7127.
  • Text health service reminders are not available for practices outside of the United States or Canada
For walk-in practices or those not using the appointment management feature, the messaging will say "<Pet name> has an upcoming service due soon. For more details, please view <his/her> reminders in our app."

If a client replies to the text message with anything other than "STOP," they will receive an automated message as shown below. If a client replies to the message with "STOP," they will be opted out from receiving future text messages. Contact us if a client wants to be opted back in to receiving text reminders.

  1. A Postcard reminder can be sent automatically once per month for patients with a past due reminder from the previous calendar month, and to patients with a reminder coming due in two calendar months. Example: For the month of May, postcards will be sent to all past due reminders with April due dates, and for all coming due reminders with July due dates. Learn more HERE.

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