The Conversations Dashboard

Take a tour of the Conversations dashboard

  1. Active Conversations — This is where all open conversations are listed. If chat urgency settings are enabled, the conversations will sort by urgency first, then by the date/time with most recent on top.
  2. History — This is where archived conversations are listed. Conversations can be reopened, and a transcript of an archived conversation can be downloaded and attached to the patient medical record.
  3. Past-Due Emojis — If there are any past-due reminders for the patient selected in the conversation, emojis will display. Use this to encourage clients to book their pet's wellness appointment.
  4. Delivery Method — Conversations can occur via the mobile app or via 2-way texting. The method will be displayed here.
  5. Page Filters — Sort conversations by who initiated the conversation, by unread, or by urgency rating.
  6. End Conversation — End an open conversation when finished, email the transcript, and move it to the History tab. Ended conversations can be reopened from the History tab by clicking Restart conversation. To receive an email at the end of the day with a reminder to end open conversations, go to Settings > Conversations > Enable reminder for unresolved conversations.
  7. Options Menu — Mark messages as unread or edit the name of the team member who is displayed in the conversation. For conversations via text, opt clients out from receiving texts if they request.
  8. Team Member — View the name of the team member who is chatting with the client. See #7 to change the name.
  9. Photo/Video — Upload a photo or video to send to the client.
  10. PDF — Upload a PDF file to send to the client.
  11. Virtual Payment — Send a payment prompt to a client to allow for contactless payment through the mobile app.
  12. Message Delivery Status — For messages sent from the dashboard, the following delivery indicators can appear:
    1. One gray checkmark -
      1. If sent to app user: The message was sent to the app user and is unread
      2. If sent via text: The message was sent but not yet delivered
    2. Two gray checkmarks -
      1. If sent to app user: Indicates confirmation of receipt when the user opens the app
      2. If sent via text: The message has been delivered
    3. Two blue checkmarks - The client has opened the chat message in the app
    4. Black information indicator - Indicates a deliverability issue with a text message. Hover over the indicator to learn more.

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