Accepting Virtual Payments Through the App

For the initial rollout of virtual payments, payment will only be possible through the 2-Way Chat feature, but it can be used for any veterinary service invoice.

Once your application with Gravity Payments has been approved, enable Virtual Payment:

Settings > Virtual Payment > toggle on Enable Virtual Payment option

How to request and process a virtual payment

To request a payment from a client, an active chat must be initiated. Then, complete the following steps:

  1. From within the active chat in your practice dashboard, select the $ icon.
  2. Add the service name and amount to be collected.
  3. Click Send.
If the $ icon is grayed out for an app user, the client may not be using the most current version of the app, or might be logged in to the app with the wrong email address. Confirm that the email address the client is using matches the email address in your practice management software, ensure that the client fully closes and reopens the app and clicks the "Reload Now" button if prompted, and confirm that they have installed the latest version of the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  1. Through a push notification in the mobile app, and within the chat thread, your client will be prompted to submit their payment by providing their name, address, and ZIP code, along with their credit card number, expiration date, and three-digit code. After the information is submitted, and the transaction is successfully processed, both parties will be notified in the chat screen to “Carry on!”
  1. Apply the payment manually in your practice management software, and, if needed, send a PDF of the invoice to your client via 2-Way Chat. The collected payment will be deposited into the practice’s bank account, less the 2.9% + 10 cents merchant fee. 
  2. At the end of the day, access the virtual Gravity Payments terminal to reconcile the incoming payments against the recorded invoices in your practice management software.
  3. You will also be able to see information about processed virtual payments in your practice dashboard under Reports > Payments.

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