Setting Your Appointment Confirmations Cadence

Once appointment confirmation delivery options have been selected, practices can select how many reminders will be sent for any appointment.

Appointment Confirmations

Appointment confirmations can be sent via email, text, or push notification between 1 and 3 days prior to a scheduled appointment. Clients are asked to confirm from these messages, and the confirmation status will appear in the dashboard under Appointments > Scheduled for the associated appointment date.

If a client confirms from their first confirmation message, they will not receive any additional messages or be asked to confirm the appointment an additional time.

We recommend setting a 3-day confirmation so that Monday appointment confirmations will be sent on Fridays.

Save-the-Date Notices

Save-the-date notices can be sent via email, text, or push notification between 4 and 30 days prior to a scheduled appointment. These messages deliver the same information as the confirmation, but the client is not asked to confirm.

Learn more about appointment reminder messaging.

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