Your Loyalty Program is a terrific way to reward your best clients, and it can make your good clients even better! However, because your Loyalty Program has a direct impact on your practice revenue, it's important to regularly audit your loyalty activity to ensure it's being used and managed appropriately, and that your practice team is not incorrectly applying loyalty stamps and rewards.
Each day, the transactions in your practice management software (PMS) from the previous business day will be imported into your Loyalty Management Tool report, which can be located in your Vet2Pet dashboard under the Reports tab. The date of the transactions will be indicated at the top of the report.
The report will have three separate tabs:
Matched Transactions — This shows PMS transactions and payments that are associated with a client who has an account in your practice dashboard.
Unmatched Transactions — This shows PMS transactions that occurred but could not be matched to a user with an account in your practice dashboard.
Non-Transactional Activity — This shows Loyalty Program-related activity that could not be matched with an associated monetary transaction in your PMS.
How to access the Loyalty Management Tool
The LMT can be accessed from several different places in the dashboard.
The Reports tab
The dashboard home page, by the stat called Users using loyalty stamps
The top right corner of any page on the the Loyalty tab
If these options are not displaying in the dashboard, ensure proper role assignments are granted for the dashboard user who is logged in. Permissions required include the following:
View Users
View Reports
View Loyalty Management Tool
How to reconcile matched transactions
Check the report of the previous day's transactions once more, just in case additional transactions were extracted that may not have been completed in the previous day's data import. You will see the last sync date under the Unmatched Transactions tab, which represents the date when we last fetched data from your PMS.
Based on the icon next to the client's name, identify if they are an app user.
If the client is not an app user, click Reinvite to send them a new email invitation to download your app.
Reference the transaction total. Hover the cursor over the "i" to display a list of itemized transactions. If a client had more than one invoice on the same day, they will be rolled up into one transaction line item on the report.From this tab, you will also be able to see if payment in full was made, or if a client rounded up their payment to the next $100 mark, as shown in this example:
Sort transactions low-to-high by clicking on the column header. If all transactions on one page are less than $100, you can quickly mark the entire page as done.
Select to filter by Incomplete on the top of the page, so transactions marked as done are no longer displayed.
Check if stamps or rewards were applied on the day of the visit. Hover the cursor over the "i" to display the stamps or rewards issued.
If there is a discrepancy and the client did not receive enough stamps based on a qualifying transactional or payment total, click Add Paw to award the client with the correct number of paws.
Paws awarded through the Loyalty Management Tool will apply to the client's loyalty history based on the date the transaction occurred, not the date the paws were added from the report.
If a client was awarded more paws than appropriate, we recommend an internal investigation. Notes may be added to a transaction by clicking Add a note. The note icon will turn green when a note has been added. Transactions are stored in this report for six months. If notes need to be retained for longer than six months, make a note in the client's account in your PMS.
If a client has earned enough paws to redeem a reward, click Manually Reward in the report to add the reward, if desired, and then add the reward line item to the client's account in the PMS.
Once the transaction has been reconciled, select Mark as Done.
If an email address exists in more than one active PMS account, the system will assign the transaction to the app account where the first and last name are most closely matched to the first and last name on the PMS account.
How to reconcile unmatched transactions
Unmatched transactions will most likely be associated with clients who don't have a valid email address in your PMS. Once an email address is added to your PMS, and the client is invited to download the app, any future transactions will show under the Matched Transactions tab.
If your dashboard homepage stats show a difference in total users vs. users connected to data, this means that there are app users who don't have their associated email address on file in your PMS. This will cause more users to end up on the Unmatched Transactions report. To avoid this, run the Export Users report regularly to add these missing email addresses to your PMS.
A user with a valid email address may appear on this tab if they have not yet been invited to download your app. Clicking Reinvite will send an email invitation to the client, and move the transaction to the Matched Transactions tab, where it can be reconciled.
If the last sync date indicated is more than two days ago, please contact us for troubleshooting.
How to reconcile non-transactional activity
These will most likely be associated with loyalty stamps not associated with transactions like the Download Our App stamp, Review Us stamp, or Refer a Friend stamp.
If stamps were applied for spending money, we recommend an internal investigation. Notes may be added to a transaction by clicking Add a note. The note icon will turn green when a note has been added. Transactions are stored in this report for six months. If notes need to be retained for longer than six months, make a note in the client's account in your PMS.
Once the transaction has been reconciled, select Mark as Done.