Receiving New Appointment Requests

When a client submits an appointment request through the app, it will be displayed under the New tab, there will be a notification on the left sidebar next to Appointments, and an email will notify your practice that a new request has been submitted. This feature can be enabled in your practice dashboard by selecting Settings.

  1. Click on the request to display the details of the appointment.
Please note that clients can now propose two appointment dates and times.

Propose a specific appointment date and time.

  • Select Propose date/time.
  • Enter a suggested date and time for the appointment.
  • If you'd like, enter a custom message for the client to accompany your proposal.
  • Select Send Proposal.
  • The client will receive a notification on their mobile device with the proposed time. The request is now moved to the Open tab in your practice dashboard. Requests will remain in the Open tab until the user responds, or the practice removes the request.
To prevent double booking, temporarily reserve the appointment time in your practice management software until the client confirms or declines.
  1. If the client accepts the proposed appointment, the status will change to Accepted. Your practice can then finalize the appointment booking in the practice management software, and check the Added to PMS box. This will move the appointment to the Scheduled tab.
  1. If the client declines the proposed appointment or cancels the request, they will be prompted to either request a new appointment or call your practice. You can then select the trashcan icon to remove the request from the dashboard.
The default base proposal message requires confirmation within 2 hours, and this is completely customizable in Settings. However regardless of the timeframe allowed, the request will not automatically expire.
  1. If the client does not respond within the timeframe that you required in the proposal message and you determine that the appropriate window for confirmation has passed, you will need to delete the request from the dashboard by clicking the trashcan icon.
    You can also choose to send the client a push notification or app chat to let them know that the proposal has expired and they need to send in a new request.

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