Pharmacy Refills - Single Sign-On Through Vetsource

If your practice uses Vetsource for your online pharmacy, your app users will enjoy the convenience of single sign-on, which means they will be seamlessly and automatically signed into Vetsource as soon as they log in to their app account.

When the app user chooses the delivery option with their order request, they will be taken to your Vetsource pharmacy site, where their pet's information will be conveniently pre-loaded from your practice management software (PMS).

The checkout process adds additional convenience, with the client's shipping and billing addresses pre-loaded from your PMS. Clients will also have the option to store their credit card information for future purchases.

Requirements for single sign-on to function properly

  1. Your practice must have a current account with Vetsource, including a PMS data connection.
  2. Your practice's Vetsource URL must be added in the Vet2Pet dashboard under Settings > Third Party Links > Home Delivery Service URL.
  3. The email used for the app account must match the email address on file in your PMS.

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