Pharmacy refills for pick up or delivery for practices using Vetsource Prescription Management

All of us at Vetsource are committed to enhancing the online ordering experience for your clients to help your practice grow revenue.

Clients can request medication and food refills from your mobile app outside of business hours, or without having to call your practice.

Most clients don’t want to wait around to have an order filled. When your practice is prepared, it's easier for clients to do business with you, which mitigates pharmacy loss to big-box retailers.

Clients can request orders from the home screen, sidebar menu, or the pet profile page of their app.

The client will see two tabs in the app called Pending Orders and Order History.

  1. Pending Orders will display any orders that were requested for pick up and are in the process of fulfillment by your practice or have been marked completed. Completed orders will display here for 48 hours beyond the client's requested pick-up date. After this time, the order will be displayed under Order History.
  2. For practices with a PIMS data connection and where app users are logged in with a syncing email, past product purchases from your PIMS will be imported and displayed under Order History.
    Past Vetsource home delivery purchases will display under Order History with a visual indicator that it was a past online purchase.

When a client chooses to create a new order for pickup, they will complete a short form, capturing the details of the request. The client can also upload an image of their product to expedite the process.

The default setting for pharmacy requests does not permit same-day pick up. If the client tries to select the same day, they will be prompted to call your practice. This setting can be adjusted in your practice dashboard under Settings > Pharmacy orders > Enable same-day requests.

Clients are able to quickly reorder past products through the Order History tab.

  1. If a client clicks reorder and selects pick-up, the form will auto-fill the product name and quantity.
  2. If a client clicks reorder on a previous in-house product purchase and selects Home delivery, the product search results will be displayed in the Vetsource store for quick selection and check-out.
  3. Clicking reorder on a previous online purchase will take the app user directly to the product details page in Vetsource to order again.

After a pick-up order is placed, the request will be displayed in your practice dashboard.

Updating the status of the order in the dashboard will prompt for an optional push notification to be sent to the client. Additional notes can be added to this notification as well. Status updates are visible in the mobile app even if a push notification is not sent.

For cancelled and declined orders, the order will be visible in the mobile app for four days with the displayed status after the status is updated in the dashboard and the order is marked as done. Following these four days, the order will be removed from the mobile app.

Checking the box to Mark as done in the dashboard will also prompt for a push notification to be sent to the client, alerting them that the order is ready for pickup, and will gray out the order as archived. If the notification needs to be changed, the pre-loaded message can be modified.

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