Appointment Confirmation Write-Back to PMS

Appointment confirmation write-backs are available for practices using AVImark and Cornerstone. Please click HERE to request this feature! There is no additional cost. We may need to update the data tool on your server to enable this feature.

AVImark users:

Appointments confirmed through any appointment confirmation delivery method (email, text, or app notification) will automatically be marked as confirmed in the AVImark appointment calendar, and a note will be added to the appointment notes that says, "<date/time stamp> Confirmed via Vet2Pet".

The AVImark version must be 2016.2.1.0 or higher and the practice server needs to have Server Mode turned on in the AVImark settings for write-back appointment confirmations to function.
Click HERE to learn how to set up Server Mode

Cornerstone users:

Appointments confirmed through any appointment confirmation delivery method (email, text, or app notification) will automatically be marked as confirmed in the Cornerstone appointment calendar with a check mark, and the Confirmed on: field will indicate the date the appointment was confirmed. The confirmed by field will indicate "VSO" and a note will be added to the appointment notes that says, "<date/time stamp> Confirmed via Vet2Pet".

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