Analytics - digital health service reminders

A Guide to interpreting your digital health service reminder analytics

Practices can see ROI and visit data for digital health service reminders through the Analytics tab.

The calculation for determining a scheduled appointment is based on when a pet owner receives either a coming due or past due reminder, sent via push (app notification), email, text or any combination of these, and subsequently schedules an appointment within 30 days of the last reminder sent. Scheduled boarding and grooming appointments are not included in this calculation.

The accuracy of this data could be affected if practices are also using postcard reminders, making it difficult to determine whether the digital reminder, the postcard, or a combination of both was responsible for motivating the visit.

The default setting for analytics displays 365 days of scheduled appointments following the date that the last digital reminder was sent.

The dashboard filters can be adjusted on the top left by:

  1. Last reminder sent date - The date that the last digital reminder was delivered which lead to completion of a qualifying visit.
  2. Reminder channels - Choose from push (app notification), email, text or any combination of these.
  3. Reminder timing - Choose from coming due or past due.

Analytics include the following:

Health service reminders summary

  1. Reminders volume - The number of digital reminders that were sent for coming due and past due health services, with a breakdown of how many scheduled an appointment.
  2. Reminder response rate - The percent of digital reminders that were sent for coming due and past due health services, with a breakdown of what percentage scheduled an appointment.
  3. Reminder volume by channel - The number of digital reminders that were sent through each channel (push notification, email and text), with a breakdown of how many scheduled an appointment.
  4. Response rate by channel - The percent of digital reminders that were sent through each channel (push notification, email and text), with a breakdown of what percentage scheduled an appointment.

Monthly reminders volume and response rate

  1. Reminders volume - A monthly breakdown of the number of digital reminders that were sent for any coming due or overdue health services, with a breakdown of how many scheduled an appointment.
  2. Response rate - A monthly breakdown of the percent of digital reminders that were sent for any coming due or overdue health services, with a breakdown of what percentage scheduled an appointment.

Revenue details

  1. Reminders volume and revenue - A monthly breakdown of the number of digital reminders that were sent for any coming due or overdue health services and the revenue generated from scheduled and completed qualifying visits.
  2. Top 5 revenue categories - The revenue categories that are invoiced most frequently for patients who visited following receipt of a digital reminder. Grooming and boarding revenue will be included only in cases where there was also a medical service performed on the invoice.

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