Getting to Know Your Practice Dashboard

🎥 Prefer to learn by video? Watch this video tutorial for an overview of your Dashboard!

Your practice dashboard is the primary hub of the backend of your Vet2Pet platform. Only users with assigned roles and privileges will be able to access the practice dashboard. If you would like to assign staff members access to your dashboard, click HERE.

The top of your practice dashboard provides quick access to:

  • Marketing materials
  • The Vet2Pet Training in Vetsource Academy
  • The Vet2Pet team
  • Important announcements from Vet2Pet (via the purple banner)

The left side of your practice dashboard is where you will:

  • Manage incoming requests and communications from your app users
  • Change your mobile app colors, buttons, images, and links
  • Change your app settings for your loyalty program, appointments, selfies, and refills
  • Access app performance reports
  • Trigger your selfie slideshow for your lobby TV

Support from Vet2Pet

We offer loads of support for you, including:

  1. A dedicated personal app success coach

To request a session with your coach, select Contacts from the top of the dashboard. Click on "Contact Your Success Coach." Your coach is there to help you with getting to know all the features of your app and how to apply them to real-life practice, understand your dashboard metrics, discuss new features, and answer your questions. They are also a great source of ideas and inspiration to maximize your Vet2Pet platform.

  1. Anytime access to technical support
  • Find phone numbers or emails for the department you're looking to reach or a link to submit a support ticket under the Contact button.
  • Chat with us! Click the icon in the bottom right of your dashboard to contact us anytime. If we aren't immediately available, we will email you back as soon as we can.

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