Creating Loyalty Rewards

The mobile app includes a highly customizable reward program.

From your practice dashboard:

  • Loyalty paws (stamps) can be created, edited, and disabled.
  • Loyalty rewards can be created, edited, and disabled.
  • You can view all activity in the loyalty program.

How to create a new loyalty reward

  1. Ensure you are on the Rewards tab and select Create new reward.
  1. Complete the following fields:
  • Write a title — Add a short, engaging title for your reward that your users will see when they browse the Reward Store in the app.
  • Description — Enter additional details about your reward.
  • Select number of paws the reward will cost — Enter the number of paws that will be deducted each time the reward is redeemed.
  • Viewable in mobile app — Uncheck this box if you do not want this stamp to show in the app.
  • Choose an image (or upload one), and view the preview of your reward.
  1. The final reward will appear in the practice dashboard.

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