Email Delivery Statuses

Any of the following email delivery statuses may display under the Notifications Delivery per User or Notifications Delivery per Date reports.

  • Pending - The email couldn't be delivered to the recipient’s mail server because a temporary issue occurred. Delivery delays can occur, for example, when the recipient's inbox is full, or when the receiving email server experiences a transient issue.
  • Sent – The system successfully delivered the email to the recipient's mail server.
  • Delivered - The email was successfully delivered to the message receipient's mail server.
  • Bounced – A hard bounce that the recipient's mail server permanently rejected the email. (Soft bounces are only included when the system fails to deliver the email after retrying for a period of time.)
  • Complaint – The email was successfully delivered to the recipient’s mail server, but the recipient marked it as spam.
  • Opened – The recipient received the message and opened it in their email client.
  • Clicked – The recipient clicked one or more links in the email.
  • Rendering Failure – The email could not be sent because of a Message Center template error. This can happen if important PIMS data required for the template is missing or incomplete.

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