Post-Visit Survey Report

The Post-Visit Survey report is designed to give practices insights into the engagement and completion rate of their post-visit survey. Report data can be displayed for all time, or based on specific time periods, like weekly, monthly, or for a specified date range.

This report will only display data for practices utilizing the automatic delivery method of sending post-visit surveys.

  • Number of sent post-visit surveys: The number of survey requests that have been sent automatically to clients following a visit.
  • Number of entered post-visit surveys: The number of survey requests that a client clicked on and entered into the practice's survey form.
  • Number of completed post-visit surveys: The number of surveys that were completed and submitted by a client.
  • Number of incomplete post-visit surveys: The number of surveys that a client clicked into but did not complete.
  • Number of skipped post-visit surveys: The number of surveys that were ignored or not clicked on.
  • Completion rate: This is calculated by dividing the total number of completed surveys with the number of surveys that were entered.
A low completion rate indicates that clients clicked into the survey and then left before finishing or submitting it. This may be an indicator that the survey form has too many questions or takes too long to complete. It is recommended that the survey have no more than 5-6 questions and take 2–3 minutes to complete.

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