Managing Selfies From the Practice Dashboard

From the practice dashboard, you can approve, manage, and publish selfies shared by app users.

  1. When a new selfie arrives, a NEW flag will be displayed in the upper right corner.
  1. After the selfie is viewed, the NEW flag will disappear, and the practice will be prompted to share a "selfie reaction" by sending the client a notification. Selfie reactions can be personalized for each selfie, or the auto-responder can be enabled to immediately send the message, "Thanks for sharing your selfie with us!"
    Click HERE to learn how to enable/disable the auto-responder.
  1. The selfie text and image can be edited from your practice dashboard.
  1. You can opt to include the submitted selfie in the selfie carousel on the app home screen.
  1. The selfie can be added to your selfie slideshow, which can be displayed on your computer or smart TV. To learn more, click HERE.
If a pet owner has not given permission to share their pet's selfie, the option to share in the app and on social sites will not be present in the dashboard.
  1. It's easy (and recommended) to post pet selfies on your practice's social media pages. Using one click from the dashboard, selfies can be shared to Facebook and X (Twitter). Because Instagram only permits posts from a smartphone, one-click to Instagram is not available from the dashboard.
The dashboard will associate the selfie post with the Facebook and X (Twitter) accounts most recently logged into.

Choose your preferred Facebook page here:

  1. Selfies can be "favorited" and added to the selfie gallery for optional image attachments when messages and/or notifications.

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